YDC Posponed !

YDC Posponed !

Dear candidates, dear parents, dear teachers,

As you know, our country is affected, like many others, by the epidemic of Coronavirus.
We are deeply disappointed and very saddened by this situation, requiring exceptional measures. It’s prohibited by the government to organize sport-events until March 31.

Following the latest updates very closely over the last few days, we won’t cancel the competition, but we will postpone it to a later date.

We think this is the most responsible thing to ensure the health and safety of participants and their families. Our team will be working to explore, together with Destelheide, an alternative date for the competition. This will take some time, so we appreciate your patience while we work hard to find the best solution for everyone.

We thank you warmly for your understanding.

Inspire and be inspired… and be safe!

YDC team